Murder Mystery Dinner

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Date(s) - 06/15/19
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Boondocks Brewing's Brew Haus


Professional Murder Mystery Company comes to Ashe County to perform for you!!!


Lucky you!!!  You have been invited to the Dunn Speakeasy aka Boondocks Brew Haus for the wedding of the year!  In this “married to the mob” event, you’ll never know who to trust.  We know the two families will be merging together, so that only means one family is bound to lose power, which means someone will lose their life!  Make your reservation and solve this case with your fellow detectives.


Dress like the cat’s meow for this mafia wedding!!  Flapper Dresses, Zoot Suits, Feathered Boas, Headbands, Pinstripe Suits and Fedoras are all appropriate if you wish…but not required.  Actually any wedding attire is nifty too!!


June 15

6:00 pm

Boondocks Brew Haus

$40 includes Heavy hor d’oeuvres

Cash Bar

Reservations Required

murder boondocks logo


Bookings are closed for this event.